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Wenn es darum geht, einen englischen Text zu korrigieren oder eine Fachübersetzung auf Englisch anzufertigen, herrscht oft Unsicherheit über die Auswahl des geeigneten Dienstleisters. Deshalb wollen wir im Folgenden unsere Kunden zu Wort kommen lassen und anführen, was sie zu unseren Services zu sagen haben. Denn die Kundenzufriedenheit ist für uns der maßgebliche Faktor für die Qualität unserer Arbeit sowie für unseren gemeinsamen Erfolg. Klicken Sie eine der unten stehenden Aussagen, um einen Screenshot der jeweiligen E-Mail zu sehen.
- Dr. Hashimoto, Japan: “We had a chance to discuss about the copyediting at the editorial meeting last Saturday. The editor said that your copyediting is the best one. Probably you have specialists for epidemiology.“
- Dr. Tabaton, Italy: “I had your e-mail address from Dr. xxx, Case Western University, Cleveland. I have an article, revised for publication, that needs editing for English.“
- Dr. Matsuyama, USA: “Thank you very much for your recent work on our two articles. We wish you to ask you to check another paper again. …“
- Dr. Nagatani, Japan: “Here, we would like to ask again to proofread our manuscript (Kong2006). …“
- Dr. Nagatani, Japan: “We are satisfied with your service very much. Here we would like to ask again to proofread another manuscript (Oka2006). …“
- Dr. Everts, The Netherlands: “Thanks for the great and speedy work again. All other by your proof read articles have been accepted!!“
- Dr. Yoshida, Japan: “Thank you for your excellent editing my manuscript. I’d like to use your proofreading service in the next time again.“
- Dr. Pu, Taiwan: “Please help proofreading the attached document which is a peer review comment letter.“
- Dr. Huang, Taiwan: “I would like to have my article English revised. Dr. Tsai shows the work you did for her which is good and suggests me your service.“
- Dr. Lorentzen, Norway: “Thank you so much for the excellent work you have done!“
- Dr. Rodriguez, Germany: “Thank you very much for you help”